Why this work is important
Compared to the rest of the UK, some of Cheshire and Merseyside’s children and young people face many health challenges. More babies in Liverpool are dying before their first birthday and others who survive suffer from poor health.
Data shows some areas of the city have low immunisation levels and high rates of childhood obesity. Our Starting Well programme aims to ensure that children and babies born in Cheshire and Merseyside have the best possible start.
Promoting a healthy lifestyle, mitigating and preventing adversity, promoting positive mental health and tackling chronic inflammatory and infection-related disorders are part of our mission to better the lives of women, children and young people across the region and beyond.
A life course approach is key. Good maternal health increases the chances for a safe delivery and good birth weight; both crucial factors for a positive start to life.
Promoting a healthy lifestyle decreases the risk of adverse health factors for children as they grow up.
Liverpool’s goal is to be recognised as a UNICEF Child Friendly City, with politicians, council staff, universities, health providers and others seeking to ensure children’s rights are reflected in policies, programmes and budgets.