Research Programme Updates: December 2019

Our teams have provided their recent programme achievements and further plans.


The informatics team has been working on a major project proposal called
the Liverpool City Region Civic Data Trust (CDT). Its vision is to create
infrastructure, governance and partnerships driving economic growth in
data-driven health technology and digital across the City-Region. The CDT
sets out to make health-related data from the region’s people work for the people,
using local data to improve the lives of local residents through better healthcare,
wellbeing and job prospects. The CDT business case is currently with the
Liverpool Combined Authorities for assessment and feedback, with the result
expected early in the New Year. The informatics team has also been actively
engaged on refreshing the 2017 LHP Health Informatics Strategy, in line with
changes in business priority, availability of new technology and new healthcare
priorities. The strategy refresh will be completed in the first quarter of 2020, with its
implementation guided by City-Region informatics stakeholders and expert working



A workshop was held for LCCS on 4th December. The event had approx. 100
attendees, who were active and engaged in the whole day, insights and ideas from
this day will be reviewed for implementation into the CVD programme. There were
a number of breakout sessions on the day that included ‘Translational Science’,
‘Big Data’, and ‘Community, Engagement,  Involvement’, which allowed ideas to
be shared across partners. Similarly the ‘hackathon’ – allowed people to make a 1
minute pitch to share ideas and ask for/offer help for collaboration. We gathered
some great insight and ideas which will be implemented into the CVD programme.


Starting Well

As part of our consultation process, we have been holding priority setting workshops with all partners. Three workshops were attended by over 35 participants and provided discussion on Starting Well priorities, looking particularly at the alignment with partners’ strategies, impact ability, and expertise. Participants felt that it was a great opportunity;

nice to work together with other groups/services to understand other perspective

very effective procedure and good to hear voices across very many different sectors and partners

The workshops were an important part of our consultation process and we would like to thank all of those who took the time to attend. We will be looking to finalise the priorities and domains of work in the coming weeks – watch this space!



As part of our process for the co-creation of an inclusive cancer research strategy for the region, we have been working on our consultation engaging with senior leadership across our partner organisations to discuss organisational priorities and vision for cancer research in our region. In addition to this and in order to engage with the broader communities within our partner organisations, we will be circulating a questionnaire asking the views of colleagues regarding priorities for cancer research in the region. Look out for the questionnaire and please fill it in when it comes your way. We will share the findings during quarter 1 of 2020, and we will be also asking for input in shaping further the LHP Cancer programme strategy.



Our Infection Programme Team has been meeting with our partners concerning plans for Liverpool’s bid for NIHR Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) status in 2021. This has included meeting with NHS Chief Executives and Research and Development Directors from the city, in addition to seeking feedback via over 40 individual and group meetings with academic and clinical colleagues.  We are keen to continue engagement with colleagues from each NHS Trust, including Trust Research and Development Teams, clinicians and managers.  This includes clinicians and managers not directly involved in research at present, who may have an interest in infection. We wrote to Research and Development Managers at each of our NHS partners in November, to start planning town hall style meetings with Trust colleagues early in 2020. We will be sending out further information for each site in the new year.