Amazing work comes out of Liverpool Health Partners, and that wouldn’t happen without the hard work of our staff members. We thought it was time to recognise and celebrate the achievements of the individuals behind LHP. 

Introducing LHP STARS, a recognition and reward scheme for LHP and LHP SPARK staff. Making sure people are praised for their achievements leads to a stronger, happier team – which is something we’re passionate about maintaining at LHP.

How does LHP STARS work?

LHP STARS will be based on staff and partner feedback, allowing people to vote for the individuals who have gone above and beyond to accomplish impressive work that makes a difference. 

In order to qualify for LHP STARS, a staff member will have to excel under one or more of LHP’s values:

  • Authentic – Our approach to work and building relationships is genuine and trustworthy
  • Proactive – Being timely and responsive whilst delivering value for money
  • Inclusive – When we embark on a project we aim to include as many perspectives as possible

Nominations will be collated as part of LHP’s Executive meetings preceding our monthly Team Brief meetings. The panel of judges will consist of LHP Executives, with a guest member from LHP’s Finance, Performance and Risk Committee.

What does the winner receive?

The winner of LHP STARS will receive a pin badge and certificate. The winner and nominees will be announced on our social media channels and in LHP’s newsletter.

The first LHP STARS award will be announced in December 2021, then twice a year.

How can I nominate someone for LHP STARS?

If you’d like to nominate someone for LHP STARS, please fill out this form. To ensure the award is fair, multiple nominations of one individual will count as one nomination.

We’d like to thank everyone who participates in LHP STARS for helping our staff to get the recognition they deserve.

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Subscribe to our newsletter to catch the announcement of the first LHP STARS winner.