Zoom Seminar with Dr Ian Davies, Monday 16th November
Dissecting the Role of Adiposity, Diet and Inflammation on the Discordance between Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol and Apolipoprotein B
Zoom Seminar with Dr Ian Davies, hosted by Prof. Gregory Lip
Monday 16 November 2020 @ 2.00pm
Dr Ian Davies is a Reader in Nutritional Science at Liverpool John Moores University. His primary research interest is in lipid/lipoprotein-based cardiometabolic (CM) risk. He has a specific interest in the number and size of low density lipoprotein (LDL) particles, and how a more nuanced approach to measuring these particles may be more informative. The majority of his work has focused on nutrition and lifestyle choices such as how physical activity and exercise. His work has international recognition and impacted upon nutrition policy with respect to dietary fat and cholesterol. Current studies include investigations into the discordance of LDL-cholesterol with apolipoprotein; CM risk in relation to various phenotypes and genotypes of obesity; and the effect of low carbohydrate diets on lipids/lipoproteins and other CM risk markers.
Delivered in partnership with University of Liverpool Institute of Life Course and Medical Sciences and Liverpool Centre for Cardiovascular Science
Please RSVP to luine@liverpool.ac.uk