News from our Research Programmes

SPARK: LHP’s ‘Single Point of Access to Research and Knowledge’ (SPARK), a joint research service bringing partners together to facilitate and deliver high quality, world class health research, was referenced as a positive example of streamlining research governance through creating joint R&D offices in the recent Academy of Medical Sciences report, ‘Transforming health through innovation: integrating the NHS and Academia.’

Once SPARK became fully operational since 1st September 2019 it has registered a total of 234 studies, with 60 in January 2020 alone. It is currently facilitating 12 grant applications due before April 2020.

SPARK has added more information to our web hub to support researchers – see new advice on study development, sponsorship and set up.

INFORMATICS: as part of the CDC project, LHP is developing the informatics programme plan, we are holding on:

  • putting in place strong governance to align health data across the system, with a focus on data security and privacy.
  • Establishing the informatics leadership group which will ensure civic, business, academic and service needs are core to the LHP approach to data and clinical informatics.
  • Developing relationships with local SMEs, commissioners and civic leaders
  • Collaborative working with the Innovation Agency to align our strategic and operational approached to data informed innovation.

STARTING WELL: The new year saw Staring Well receiving confirmation of its first UKRI support to develop its work around Community Involvement and Engagement (CIE). The support will help to deliver a Networking / Capacity Building Event and half day of mentor support. The first of three LHP CIE events will take place in March with a focus on Starting Well.

Following the consultation exercise late last year, Starting Well is now moving into an implementation phase, having refined the programme’s priorities as: promoting healthy lifestyles for all, improving chronic conditions for all and implementing effective co-ordinated care for all. The programme will be holding a series of implementation meetings to explore how the partnership might deliver on these priorities and the Leadership Team is currently writing to partners to invite stakeholders to take part in these meetings, which will take place during the first two weeks in April.

CARDIOVASCULAR:  The programme continues its work on community involvement and engagement and an Atrial Fibrillation Screening event was held at Liverpool University. Approximately 100 people were screened, and good links were made with staff from across the University.  Plans to hold similar events at other LCCS partners are under active development.

C.£200k funding has been awarded for ‘SHOPS-AF’, a project to allow customers to be screened for Atrial Fibrillation whilst shopping.  This project is being delivered in partnership with a specific supermarket chain and their in-house pharmacies.

The Liverpool Centre for Cardiovascular CCS hosted Korean/Danish delegations which involved presentations, and discussions around future collaborations.

CANCER: The LHP Cancer Programme Survey has been completed with an excellent level of feedback, and the Programme Leadership Team are now working together to review the results and move to the next stage of hosting workshops to define the priorities. This will then inform the further development of the LHP Cancer Programme Strategy.

INFECTION: LHP continues to support the preparation for the infection-themed application for NIHR Biomedical Research Centre status in 2021. The Centre of Excellence for Infectious Diseases Research (CEIDR) is a partnership between the University of Liverpool and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine with LHP providing strategic support. Led by Professor William Hope, it was launched in January.

Dates for several infection road shows at NHS Trusts have already been confirmed and further details are available from your local R&D Team Manager or Elizabeth Collins, LHP Programme Manager for Infection at: